Memberships and Collaborations


Ethical Trade Norge

Wenaas is a member of Ethical Trade Norway. This means that we commit ourselves to work for trade that promotes human and workers’ rights, society, and the environment. Ethical Trade Norway is a resource center and promoter for sustainable business practices, also called ethical trade. Ethical Trade Norway’s purpose is to promote sustainable business practices in the supply chains so that trade contributes to safeguarding human and workers’ rights, society, and the environment. Membership in Ethical Trade Norway commits to concrete and targeted improvement work overtime.

Member since 2023.
Overall description of the membership

  • Ethical Trade Norway offers Wenaas guidance and access to resources and management tools to keep us focused on ethical trading standards and supply chain transparency.  
  • Wenaas monitors our supply chain performance and through our membership with Ethical Trade Norway can we identify areas to be improved to build trust between suppliers, companies, and customers.
  • Ethical Trade Norway guides Wenaas to better meet the requirements from authorities, customers, media, owners, and employees.​​​​​​​
  • Our commitment to Ethical Trade Norway requires Wenaas to show openly our sustainable progress, and though the membership we publish our due diligence report for responsible business practice yearly.
  • Through webinars, professional workshops, and network meetings, Wenaas increases competence within sustainable trade.
Membership >> Due Diligence for Responsible Business Conduct for Wenaas 2023 >>
Read more about Etical Trade Norway >>

For earlier reports, contact us or download them at Ethical Trade Norway´s page.


CEMAsys is a specialized sustainability consultancy delivering solutions for the entire “Environmental – Social – Governance” (ESG) segment. By combining innovative system solutions and analytical expertise they provide us with methods to improve our sustainability strategy. They offer comprehensive services for every step of our company’s sustainability journey; data gathering and management, advanced analysis, strategy development, ESG reporting, and carbon offsetting. CEMAsys was established in 2007 as one of the first specialized climate change and sustainability consultancies in Norway. Today, Their 800+ Scandinavian and international clients consist of stock-listed companies and private firms in all industries, and the public sector. CEMAsys employ a unique two-pronged approach to ensure that they can cover every aspect required to improve companies´ sustainability performance.
In collaboration with CEMAsys, Wenaas measures its carbon emissions in Scope 1, 2 and 3. The climate accounting is measured in line with the GHG Protocol and gives us valuable information to achieve an overview of our activities, as well as see where we can introduce climate measures

Read more about CEMAsys >> Read more about GHG >> Wenaas climate accounting report 2023 >>

Amfori BSCI - The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).

Amfori BSCI is an Internationally recognized leading supply chain management system for supplier auditing. Their Code of Conduct supports companies to drive social compliance and implement improvements within the factories and farms in global supply chains. Being a member brings together over 1,500 retailers, importers, brands, and national associations to improve the political and legal framework for trade in a sustainable way.

Member since 2017.
Overall description of the membership

  • Amfori BSCI membership helps Wenaas monitor our supply chain to ensure that our suppliers are treating their workers ethically and legally.
  • The amfori BSCI social auditing methodology is in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and assists Wenaas to comply with our ethical responsibility to respect human rights.
  • Amfori BSCI provides us with social inspection methods and reports to improve conditions for social work in our supplier facilities.
  • Wenaas suppliers are presented with a BSCI certification once supplier undergoes an audit visit, receives a corrective action plan (CAP) and phase to improve compliance.
  • An audit report and follow-up plan are prepared after all checks and based on a rating scale from A - E, where A is the best score. Wenaas has a requirement that our suppliers must meet a minimum total score of C or better.   
Membership >> Read more about Amfori BSCI >>

Amfori BEPI – The Business Environmental Performance Initiative (BEPI)

Amfori BEPI is a business-driven service provided by amfori for retailers, importers and brands committed to improving environmental performance in supplying factories and farms worldwide. BEPI provides a practical framework that can support all product sectors across the world to reduce their environmental impact, business risks and costs through improved environmental practices.

Member since 2023.
Overall description of the membership

  • Wenaas has chosen Amfori BEPI membership to monitor and address environmental issues and drive targeted improvements in our global supply chain.
  • Amfori BEPI system provides Wenaas with a risk-based approach to identify and address environmental impacts in the supply chain, also following Due Diligence guidelines.
  • Amfori BEPI system is designed to support and drive continuous improvement of our suppliers’ facilities environmental performance.
  • The audit scope covers 8 environmental performance areas – from energy use and greenhouse gases to chemical management.
  • Wenaas will start implementing BEPI with selected strategic suppliers before rolling out in the entire value chain.
Membership >> Read more about Amfori BEPI

Better Cotton

Wenaas is member to Better Cotton, a membership to improve global cotton production. Better Cotton’s mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment. Better Cotton works is the world’s leading sustainable initiative for cotton. 

Member since Autum 2023.
Overall description of the membership

  • Better Cotton is sourced via a chain of custody model called mass balance. This means that Better Cotton is not physically traceable to end products, however, Better Cotton Farmers benefit from the demand for Better Cotton in equivalent volumes to those we ‘source.’
  • Through its implementing partners, Better Cotton trains farmers to use water efficiently, care for soil health and natural habitats, reduce use of the most harmful chemicals and respect workers’ rights and wellbeing.
  • Wenaas is committed to sourcing 25% of our cotton as Better Cotton and Fairtrade cotton by the end of 2025, and 50% by end of 2027.   
Membership >> Read more about Better Cotton >>

​​​​​​​Grønt Punkt Norge

Grønt Punkt Norge is non-profit company and approved by the Norwegian authorities. All businesses that produce or import goods with more than 1,000 kg of packaging each year must be members of an approved return company. Grønt Punkt Norge works to reduce environmental problems from packaging waste by ensuring material recycling, motivating packaging optimization and increased reuse. Grønt Punkt Norge is owned by various material companies for packaging; Norsk Gjennvinning AS, Norsk Resy AS, Norsk Returkartong AS, Norsk Metallgjennvinning AS and Plastretur AS.

Standard member since 2002.
Control member since 2003.

Overall description of the membership

  • Grønt Punkt Norge business is based on an environmentally friendly waste management system for packaging – meaning that all companies that send packaging onto the Norwegian market must be members of an approved return company.
  • Wenaas participation with Grønt Punkt Norge commits us in the financing of the return schemes for packaging.
  • Grønt Punkt Norge offers simplified reporting for trading goods importers to report the amounts of packaging.
  • Controll membership in Grønt Punkt Norge requires that Wenaas makes demands on its Norwegian goods suppliers for membership in Grønt Punkt Norge. This way purchasing in Wenaas takes an important environmental and social responsibility to make sure that suppliers also pay remunerations for the packaging used on our projects.
Membership - standard >> Membership - control >> Read more about Grønt Punkt >>

Norsk Industri - The Federation of Norwegian Industries

The Federation of Norwegian Industries works for framing conditions for businesses in sectors and industries. Their most important task is to ensure that society understands how important a viable industry is for our future welfare. The Federation of Norwegian Industries engages in the most important industrial and business policy issues of the day. There are several benefits being a member of the Federation of Norwegian Industries and NHO. Legal assistance, courses and conferences and government relations are all important topics to their members.

Member since 2010, membership no. 356192.
Overall description of the membership

  • The Federation of Norwegian Industries is the largest national federation within the Norwegian Confederation of Enterprise (NHO) and represents a large variety of companies across the country.
  • Their point of view in the public debate is always formulated in close contact with members and union representatives.
  • The Federation of Norwegian Industries is in ongoing contact with the government, the Parliament, and civil servants, and closely follows the EU's legal processes in Brussels.
  • Membership in The Federation of Norwegian Industries gives us membership benefits to Teko Industry Association which is Norwegian textile, clothing, shoe and sports equipment manufacturers' speaker and advisor in business policy matters.
  • The Federation of Norwegian Industries has around 100 member companies with almost 2,000 employees.
Read more about Norsk Industri >> Read more about NHO >>


The EU Directive on waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE Directive) requires producers to join an authorized producer compliance scheme (PCS). RENAS is Norway’s leading WEEE compliance scheme and offers Wenaas compliance for waste batteries and packaging. RENAS is a non-profit organization, owned by the Electrical Association (EFO) and the trade association Electro and Energy.

Member since 2009.
Overall description of the membership

  • Member since 2009.Overall description of the membership
  • RENAS takes on Wenaas obligation to finance the collection, treatment, recovery, and environmentally sound disposal of WEEE.
  • RENAS has a combination of experience, knowledge, with high standards and accountability RENAS holds the leading position in the Norwegian market.
  • RENAS is the country's leading EE return company. With 14 treatment facilities and 100 collectors across the country.
  • RENAS looks after producer responsibility for around 2,700 producers and importers of EE products.
  • RENAS also has an important role in the circular economy.
Membership >> Read more about RENAS >>

Industry Collaborations

SINTEF is the largest research organization in Scandinavia. SINTEF stands for in Norwegian - Stiftelse og teknisk forskning, “The Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research” and has its HQs in Trondheim, Norway. Founded in 1950, a Norwegian research institute, organized as an independent non-profit foundation that conducts contract research and development projects. SINTEF also conducts testing and verification with reference to established specifications.

Collaboration since 2000.
Overall description of the collaboration

  • SINTEF conducts research in technology, natural sciences, and social sciences.
  • SINTEF inspires us to create value through research and development, increase our innovation ability, competitiveness, and by solving problems.
  • SINTEF collaboration is related to sustainable material and product development and for driving innovation of complex workwear and footwear concepts.
Read more about SINTEF >>

RISE ​​​​​​​

RISE stands for “Research Institutes of Sweden” and is Sweden’s research institute and innovation partner. RISE is an independent, state-owned institute, which offers unique expertise, test beds for textile recycling, environmental and future-proof technologies, products, and services. The institute also carries out testing and certification. RISE solves complex issues through international collaboration within industry, academia, and the public sector.

Collaboration since 2015.
Overall description of the collaboration

  • RISE conducts new solutions for a sustainable future within several fields and has a particular focus on supporting small and medium sized companies in their innovation processes.
  • RISE collaboration is related to research and innovation partner for EU chemical regulations in Wenaas supply chain.
  • RISE collaboration ensures Wenaas increased competitiveness and contributes to sustainable solutions.
Read more about RISE >>

Mercy Ships
Collaboration/sponsorship agreement since 2023.
Overall description of the collaboration partner

  • Mercy Ships is an international charity organization that provides free medical care and hospital capacity in developing countries through hospital ships. A commitment to serving the poorest children and young adults in need.  
  • Together with customers, Wenaas Sverige AB has a cooperation agreement with Mercy Ships. The collaboration is based on an agreement with individual customers where a percentage of their turnover accrues to the organization.
  • Through its hospital ships, Mercy Ships provides with volunteer professionals and free high-quality healthcare service, capacity building in the healthcare system and contributes to a sustainable development to those with very few resources.
  • Mercy Ships was founded by Don and Deyon Stephens in 1978 and has since then worked in more than 55 developing countries, contributed over SEK 17 billion in care and development and treated more than 2.8 million people.
  • The ships are staffed by approximately 1,200 volunteers per year from more than 60 countries. They are surgeons, dentists, nurses, health educators, teachers, cooks, sailors, engineers and agricultural experts who give of their time and expertise.  
Read more about Mercy Ships >> See donation certificate >>

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