Norms for Personal Protective Equipment
All protective equipment used in the workplace should be CE marked and provide adequate protection against the specific risks to which workers are exposed at all times.
Your safety in the workplace is the employer's responsibility
The employer must ensure that all personal protective equipment complies with current guidelines and is CE marked. The employer is also responsible for ensuring that personal protective equipment is available where required and that necessary training is provided. In the workplace, it should be regularly checked that personal protective equipment is in use, and immediate measures should be taken if required personal protective equipment is not being used. The employer is responsible for establishing routines for the storage, maintenance, repair, and replacement of personal protective equipment, and for ensuring that the equipment is in good hygienic condition. Our product managers are available for consultation on the proper selection of personal protective equipment.
Protective clothing
Protective clothing for protection against thermal hazards associated with an electric arc
Work shoes / safety shoes - norms
Footwear for firefighters
Safety shoes with protection against cuts from chain saws
ASTM is an American standard for the approval of protective equipment (American Society for Testing and Materials)
Gloves - norms
EN ISO 21420:2020 (formerly EN 420) - General requirements and test methods
Protective gloves against hazardous chemicals and micro-organisms. Part 1: Terminology and performance
EN 60903
EN 60903 Working under voltage - Gloves and mittens made of insulating material
EN 10819
EN 10819 - Mechanical vibrations and shocks - Hand-arm vibrations - Method for measurement and assessment of vibration transmission to the palm via gloves
ISO 14419:2010
Textiles - Oil repellency - Hydrocarbon resistance test
Personal protective equipment
Electrically insulated helmets for use in low-voltage installations
EN 12492:2012
Helmets for mountain climbers
Lightweight helmets for industry
EN 14052:2012+A1:2012
Industrial helmets with high performance
Eye and face protection
Updated information will come soon.
Hearing protection
Hearing protection - General requirements - Part 1: Ear muffs.
EN 352-2:2020
Hearing protection - General requirements - Part 2: Earplugs.
EN 352-3:2020
Hearing protection - General requirements - Part 3: Ear muffs attached to industrial safety helmets.
EN 352-4:2020
Hearing protection - Requirements for safety and testing - Part 4: Level-dependent earmuffs.
EN 352-5:2020
Hearing protection - Requirements for safety and testing - Part 5: Earmuffs with active noise reduction.
EN 352-6:2020
Hearing protection - Requirements for safety and testing - Part 6: Earmuffs with audio communication.
EN 352-7:2020
Hearing protection - Requirements for safety and testing - Part 7: Level-dependent earplugs.
EN 352-8: 2020
Hearing protection - Safety and testing requirements - Part 8: Earmuffs for entertainment.
Respiratory protection
Respiratory protection - Full face masks - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection - Half masks and quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection - Particle filters - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection - Gas filters and combined filters - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection - Filtering half-masks for protection against particles - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection - Powered filtering equipment with helmet or hood - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection - Powered filtering equipment with full masks, half masks or quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection for self-rescue - Filtering devices with a hood for escaping from fire - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection - Filtering half-masks with valve for protection against gases or against gases and particles - Requirements, testing, marking
Respiratory protection - Compressed air apparatus with uniform air supply - Requirements, testing, marking
Fall protection
Personal fall protection equipment - Descender devices for rescue
Personal fall protection equipment - Guided type fall arresters including an anchor line - Part 1: Guided type fall arresters including a rigid anchor line
Personal protective equipment against falls from a height — Part 2: Guided type fall arresters including a flexible anchor line
Personal fall protection equipment — Lanyards
Personal protective equipment against falls from a height — Energy absorbers
Personal protective equipment for work positioning and prevention of falls from a height — Belts and lanyards for work positioning or restraint
Personal fall protection equipment - Retractable type fall arresters
Personal protective equipment against falls from a height — Full body harnesses
Personal protective equipment against falls from a height — Connectors
Personal fall protection equipment — Personal fall protection systems
Mountaineering equipment - Accessory cords - Safety requirements and test methods
Mountaineering equipment — Rope clamps — Safety requirements and test methods
Personal fall protection equipment — Anchor devices
Personal fall protection equipment - Sit harnesses
Personal fall protection equipment — Rescue loops
Mountaineering equipment — Frictional anchors — Safety requirements and test methods
Personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls from a height — Low stretch kernmantel ropes
Personal fall protection equipment - Rope access systems - Rope adjustment devices
Personal fall protection equipment — Rescue lifting devices
Personal fall protection equipment — Rescue harnesses
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