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Eearmuff 3M X4 Iso Helmet P5E

Item No: 0-15040-10000-98
Passive ear defenders X4 with P3E 30-mm helmet attachment. Fluorescent green. Electrically insulated head band. Sleek and lightweight, with an elegant design. Innovative cushions provide noise attenuation up to 32 dB, in particular against low-frequency sound... Show more
Passive ear defenders X4 with P3E 30-mm helmet attachment. Fluorescent green. Electrically insulated head band. Sleek and lightweight, with an elegant design. Innovative cushions provide noise attenuation up to 32 dB, in particular against low-frequency sounds. Suitable for work environments with a high level of noise. The cushions and foam rings are available as a hygiene set, and they are easy to replace as necessary, thus extending the lifespan of the product. Package contains 10 units.Show less
Color: Assorted
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Classifications ... Show more

  • EN 352-3 - Hearing protectors - Earmuff to helmet

Eearmuff 3M X4 Iso Helmet P5E

X4 passive ear defenders with a P3E 30-mm helmet attachment. Electrically insulated band, innovative seal gir glimrende dempingprovide excellent noise reduction to 32 dB, especially for low-frequency noise. The pads and foam inserts are available as a hygiene set, which helps extend the life of the product. Package contains 10 units.
Color: Assorted (98)
Material: Stainless steel
Seasons: Full year
  • 3M


  • EN 352-3 - Hearing protectors - Earmuff to helmet

    EN 352-3 - Hearing protectors - Earmuff to helmet

  • Classification info

    EN 352-3:2002, Attenuation: SNR=32dB H=36dB M=30dB L=21dB
