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Earplug FirmFit 200Pair

Hearing Protection Earplugs
Item No: 0-1033-10-98
Earplug Howard Leight FirmFit, orange color for easy idenfication. Classic firm comfortable design of soaft foam gain a sense of security from feeling the earplug in the ear. Requires less pressure to roll down, slow recovery rate gvies plenty of time to insert. One pair singel packed in bag. Carton: 10 boxes of 200 pair.
Color: Assorted
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Earplug FirmFit 200Pair

Earplug Howard Leight FirmFit, orange color for easy idenfication. Classic firm comfortable design of soaft foam gain a sense of security from feeling the earplug in the ear. Requires less pressure to roll down, slow recovery rate gvies plenty of time to insert. One pair singel packed in bag. Carton: 10 boxes of 200 pair.
Color: Assorted (98)
Material: PVC
Seasons: Full year
  • Honeywell


  • Classification info

    EN 352-2, Attenuation: SNR 37db H=37db M=34db L=31db
