Sustainability for Wenaas
Taking Responsibility, being Transparent
and Trustworthy
Sustainability and ESG
Corporate Social Responsibility
At Wenaas, the way we create results is important because it is our responsibility to protect people at work. We are aware that our business has an environmental and social impact far beyond the company itself. Being one of the market leaders in workwear and protective equipment it is essential to set high standards for ourselves, to care for and promote a safe and healthy living environment and actively engage with improvement that can be measured. Wenaas has overall strategies, policies, and guidelines for how we should handle health, environment and safety objectives, product development, ethical sourcing, and responsible practices throughout our value chain.
Our social responsibility is central to create trust, evaluate our future risks, build, and secure long-term business success, meet stakeholders’ expectations, and contribute to sustainable development. Consequently, ethical business behavior is fundamental at Wenaas - reflected in values that guide each one of us. As our own development and improvement demands are passed on to all our suppliers and partners, they are required to sign our Code of Conduct before any business transaction can take place. The Wenaas Code of Conduct contains our prioritized requirements while referring to more in-depth governing documentation on how to respect employees and the environment. These guidelines ensure that all obligations, laws, and regulations that apply are complied with. Breach of the Code of Conduct and failure to improve will give Wenaas the right to terminate the business relationship agreement.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
There is no magic formula, the focus is on solving ESG critical challenges of responsible sourcing globally - from development to a risk-based assessment, all while continuously driving improvement in the value chain. Protecting the 3P’s – People, Profit and Planet is an ongoing sustainable task dictated by future challenges and opportunities.
Wenaas started in 1931 and has emerged as one of todays and therefore tomorrow’s leading international suppliers of technical workwear by understanding and incorporating green growth implications and possibilities – including green industry projects and investments of which are yet to be exploited. We are building resilience to optimize our supply chain processes while paying attention to incorporating ESG aspects and capturing opportunities to stay ahead of the competition. This is made necessary due to the deep drivers involving renewable cost-curves, material flows becoming digital and circular, climate risk and because we believe in the need to seek out and to strengthen international cooperation in sustainable development.
In 2023 we spearheaded our ESG approach towards risk management, climate action and social governance refining our core values to build and ensure long-term business success while exceeding our customers’ and stakeholders’ expectations - all while contributing to sustainable developments and financial growth. Our selected goals incorporate an integrated ESG strategy aligned with a low-carbon approach and increased value proposition.

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Environmental, Social, and Governance - ESG
For Wenaas, ethical and responsible operation is essential, where care for people and the planet guides all aspects of the business.
We emphasize environmental and social impact, establishing stringent requirements for both ourselves and our partners, all grounded in national and international standards, laws and regulations.
Our ESG ambitions
Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris agreement are reaffirmed and our international presence guides our collaborative effort towards achieving our short and long-term 2030-agenda.
Protecting Environmental Resources
Wenaas is committed to eliminating waste and pollution; by using future-oriented tools to facilitate analysis of sustainable data in cooperation with our strategic and tactical suppliers. Wenaas will prioritize, engage, and reduce its carbon (Co2) emission and water footprint. Our goal is to phase out and replace critical product groups with more recognizable programs - all while promoting initiatives for certified environmental materials to minimize waste in production and after use on energy, water, and waste materials.
Our Social Management Capabilities
Wenaas is committed to being a safe workplace; meeting safety and environmental requirements within its own departments together with an overview of all suppliers. Wenaas has a pragmatic and holistic approach to deepen its understanding to the needs of its supply chain workers. Consequently, we will follow-up to ensure a decent workplace, increasing social dialog to protect against discrimination and harassment - while encouraging equality and fair wages by diligently building long term relationships.
Collaboration and Governance Reporting
Wenaas is committed to transparency; by reporting to national and International ESG frameworks, monitoring the market and by complying with all regulatory requirements, documentation, and processes. Wenaas will strive to ensure fair trade by continued co-operation with its valuable supplier network partners. Furthermore, our focus is on identifying green growth opportunities - all while integrating environmental and social concerns into all its chosen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) thereby taking responsibility for effective credible reporting.
ESG Supplier Program
Wenaas has taken its corporate responsibility seriously for several years, and a well-developed ESG Supplier Program is in line with this work. One of the many steps in our sustainable reporting is to promote decent labor and environmental standards in our supply chain. Wenaas operates with trust and act with fairness, and all our suppliers and business partners are met with the same active approach, opportunities and challenges we may have. We believe we have clear and consistent communication built for exchanging ideas and honest feedback. Before entering a partnership, all suppliers undergo a screening to see that they comply with our minimum requirements regarding ethical and environmental business practices. Through the ESG Supplier Program we regularly monitor the performance of our suppliers and systematically verify that remediation activities are implemented.
Wenaas is a member of amfori to monitor and ensure our production and supplier policy at all stages. Amfori BSCI and BEPI programs provide us with social and environmental audits and reports, additional to a comprehensive Academy resource. A process continuously working for sustainable trade and by improving the ESG performance of our supplier chain. Through this agreement we have zero tolerance for forced labor and child labor and request, among other things, non-discrimination and equality at work, decent working hours, orderly wage, freedom of association and collective bargaining, decent sanitation, food, social dialog, performance, and training. It is important that all obligations, laws, and principles on social and environmental security are respected. To continue creating sustainable economic growth, we believe in long-term cooperation, close dialogue, and physical supplier onsite visits.
Restricted Substance List
Our Restricted Substance List sets very high demands on production and has been set out in collaboration with several recognized organizations’ recommendations. This list describes chemicals that are prohibited from being used in our products or by our manufacturers. Wenaas' Restricted Substance list is based on the Regulation of the registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals (REACH), the POPs Regulation and the Biocidal Products Directive. European law and regulations to protect human health and the environment against the harmful effects of chemical substances. All our suppliers and business partners are obliged not to use chemicals on our list.
Supplier Management Program
1. Wenaas Code of Conduct
2. Wenaas Restricted Substances List
3. Wenaas Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Suppliers
Policies and supporting documentation
1. Wenaas Responsible Business Conduct Policy
2. Wenaas Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy
3. Wenaas Gifts and Hospitality Policy
4. Wenaas Minimum Criteria for Suppliers
5. Wenaas amfori BEPI Code of Conduct
6. Wenaas amfori BSCI Compliance Guidelines
7. Wenaas amfori BSCI Code Red Process
8. Wenaas Packaging Guidelines

The Norwegian Transparency Act
The Transparency Act was enacted by the Norwegian Parliament and entered into force on 1 July 2022. The Norwegian Consumer Authority is assigned the responsibility of guiding and supervising the Transparency Act. The main purpose of the Act is to document our own business risks in line with the Transparency Act. To achieve the Act's purpose, it requires businesses to report on the work they do to ensure compliance with fundamental human rights and decent working conditions throughout their operations and supply chain.
Companies are required to publish the results of their due diligence for the first time by the 30th of June 2023. The law also ensures that the public has sufficient access to this information. Due diligence assessments are considered the international gold standard for good social responsibility. The process is according to OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct and measured accordance with following principles outlined as shown in the infographic.
Since 2022, Wenaas has published its statement to comply with the Transparency Act. The report allows us to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for our actual and potential adverse impacts, as well as rectify damage related to human rights within the company, in our supply chains, and through our business partners.
Due Diligence process and supporting measures
Source: OECD (2018), OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct Design: Peggy King Cointepas

Transport and logistic
Our qualified buyers make sure to utilize rational access to raw materials with available capacity to reduce the need to transport raw materials and finished products back and forth over large distances.

Memberships and Collaborations
We are member of serveral purchasing platforms and our list of good collaborations partners is long.

UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
We are commited to work on the SDG and have five goals we have focus on to contribute to a better world.

Certifications and Recognitions
We are committed to being a reliable and professional entity, and we view these assessments as an opportunity to grow and develop in line with our goals and ambitions.

Product Certifications
All our workwear and uniforms are characterised by a high-quality, nice and functional design. Behind every stitch, choice and detail there is careful work and extensive knowledge.

See our ambitions for UNs SDG
We have focus on five sustainablity development goals and this is our ambitions for them.
Supplier Management Program
1. Wenaas Code of Conduct
2. Wenaas Restricted Substances List
3. Wenaas Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Suppliers
Policies and supporting documentation
1. Wenaas Responsible Business Conduct Policy
2. Wenaas Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy
3. Wenaas Gifts and Hospitality Policy
4. Wenaas Minimum Criteria for Suppliers
5. Wenaas amfori BEPI Code of Conduct
6. Wenaas amfori BSCI Compliance Guidelines
7. Wenaas amfori BSCI Code Red Process
8. Wenaas General Terms and Conditions
9. Wenaas Packaging Guidelines