wenaas toolguard

Toolguard - integrated safety system in the workwear to secure your tools

Workwear equipped with our integrated, NS9611-approved safety system, designed to protect your tools from falling and protect anyone potentially working below you during elevated work.

Wenaas Toolguard

Wenaas has developed Toolguard, a groundbreaking solution that integrates a secure tool system directly into workwear. This system reduces the need for equipment such as tool belts for workers at height. The Toolguard system, developed and meticulously tested by the Wenaas product development team in Norway, has passed the rigorous NS9611 fall test after extensive testing of various fabrics, threads, and sewing techniques.

Patented Solution

This innovative solution is patented and sets a new standard for making the workday easier and safer for everyone working at height.

Secure your tools in the loops approved for equipment up to 1.2 kilograms

Reduces the risk of accidents

The Toolguard solution represents a new standard for safety in the workwear industry, making the workday both easier and safer for those who use it.

With Toolguard, users gain access to a solid and secure way to carry essential equipment while reducing the risk of accidents. If you lose your grip on a tool, Toolguard ensures it never falls far and prevents it from dropping onto anyone working below you during elevated work.

For companies and workers who prioritize safety without compromising efficiency, Toolguard is a natural choice.

See our garments with integrated Toolguard >>

- Patented System
- Approved for equipment up to 1.2 kg  
- Passed NS9611 fall test  
- Loops sewn directly onto the garment  
- Makes tool belts unnecessary  
- Prevents accidents from falling tools/equipment

Our workwear with an integrated Toolguard safety system for tools

Wenaas Recommends

When accidents happen – protect those working at lower heights from falling objects. Secure tools and equipment in the Toolguard loop along with the Squids 3100F tool lanyard.

Shock-absorbing Squids® tool lanyard with a carabiner on one end and a loop on the other end. Designed and certified to prevent falling objects and reduce the force on the body when a tool is dropped. The energy released is absorbed through the tool lanyard. By reducing shock, this prevents the tool from pulling the user down and protects others below.

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Personal Safety Equipment
Protect yourself against potential hazards in the work environment. Equipment like helmets, safety shoes, gloves, and safety glasses helps reduce the risk of injuries and health issues.