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Earplug HL Max 200Pair

Item No: 0-330-1161-98
Howard Leight Max earplugs in a bell-shaped design. The shape makes it easy to insert, and it minimizes pressure in the ear while the plug stays in place and offers good comfort. The smooth surface prevents dirt and other materials from sticking to the earplug and from being inserted in the ear canal. One pair per bag. Package with 10 boxes containing 200 pairs.
Color: Assorted
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Earplug HL Max 200Pair

Howard Leight Max earplugs. Bell-shaped with a smooth surface. Easy to insert and designed to minimize pressure. One pair per bag. Package with 10 boxes containing 200 pairs.
Color: Assorted (98)
Material: Polyurethane
Seasons: Full year
  • Honeywell


  • Classification info

    EN 352-2, Attenuation: SNR 37db H=36db M=35db L=34db
