Our ambitions to reach
​​​​​​​UN´s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Protecting Environmental Resources Targets

  • Quality and Safety Management:
    Increase own awareness of the relevant information for sustainable development to cease, prevent and mitigate negative impacts in our supply chain. We work to provide safety and protect human health and the environment against the harmful effects of chemical substances while ensuring all our suppliers comply with the European REACH regulation. EN-ISO 9001:2015 and EN-ISO 14001:2015 are the globally recognized standards that guide us to continuously improve the effectiveness of our own operations and on how we increase our environmental performance.

  • Environmental Practice:
    Based on the complexity of our supply chain, from fiber production, yarn production, fabric production, dyeing, finishing, garment assembly, distribution, retention to include end of life: we believe that we can make the greatest impact reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) in the beginning of the product development. Therefore, we will maximize the products lifecycle by our committed design principles, predefining KPIs with high-quality, certifications, eco-materials, and versatility as the key to future success. To include our own Value-Added-Service (VAS) center.
  • High Product Quality:
    We know that our products can mean the difference between loss of life and survival, and we have never compromised in our product development. To ensure that our products meet the highest quality standards we are committed to a strict product development process. To be compliant with global standards our lab test reports are performed only by accredited laboratories such as ISO and OEKO-TEX®.  

  • Energy, Water and Waste:
    Our largest materials are within cotton and polyester and by replacing conventional cotton to Better Cotton (BCI) and virgin polyester to recycled polyester according to Global Recycled Standard (GRS) we will guarantee traceability of the fiber thereby reducing the products footprint. These certifications will additionally comply with 10 out of 13 principles related to our human and labor rights, environment, corruption, and animal welfare outlined in our CoC.

Our Social Management Capability Targets

  • Protecting of Human and Labour Rights:
    Our sourcing practice throughout the supply chain is important to us to increase transparency and monitor supplier compliance on all our key areas from anti-slavery and child labor to full sustainability, environmental and corporate governance. All our suppliers undergo a screening to see that they comply with our requirements regarding ethical and environmental business practices. We expect our suppliers and partners to work focused and systematically to comply with our guidelines for business, hereunder our Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct covers fundamental requirements on human rights, labour rights, anti-corruption, animal welfare and the environment.
  • Ethics and Policy:
    All our suppliers and partners we work with have signed our Code of Conduct and Restricted Substances List that sets out rules and regulations for how to respect employees and the environment. In this context, we take a zero-tolerance approach to forced labor and to child labor. We also insist that our partners respect the freedom to organize, equal opportunities and fair, statutory pay, fixed working hours, a safe working environment, and legally binding working conditions. Violation of the Code of Conduct and unwillingness to improve will give Wenaas the right to terminate the contract.
  • Employee and Company Culture:
    We believe in a positive workplace culture that is built on meaningful work, open communication, and our core values to increase overall well-being for all employees while promoting equal growth and development opportunities for all genders. Code of Conduct training is expected to be performed while onboarding and to be reviewed once a year. Regardless of age and gender, we trust in developing healthy life skills at work and in leisure time to grow socially, physically, and mentally for overall better well-being. As part of our culture Wenaas is active in sponsoring national and local sports, culture, and leisure activities in Rauma. ​​​​​​​

Collaboration and Governance Reporting Targets  

  • Reporting annually:
    Our ESG strategy is based on well-known ISO standards, International standards such as United Nation global initiatives - Guidelines for Business and Human Rights and Labour (ILO Declaration), Anti-Corruption (UN Global Compact), UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and OECD Due Diligence Guidelines for Supply Chains in the garment and footwear sector. Currently, integrated reporting is suffering from a lack of standardization; however, we believe it is about creating new opportunities that benefit SDGs in our reporting. The Wenaas approach will be holistic towards Risk Management, Climate Action, and Social Governance – responsibly addressing and reporting due diligence while seeking to protect human rights and decent working conditions.
  • Industry collaboration:
    ​​​​​​​At Wenaas we have a close relationship with our suppliers and partners and believe this is a crucial factor for managing the negative impact on our supplier chain in a professional way. By aligning our corporate practices with sustainable targets, we will continue to build resilience in our value chain. We also believe that industry collaborations are essential for developing and driving change towards a more sustainable economy.